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Quebec, Canada

"Julia’s warmth and kindness were what I was looking for in my journey. She had a way of welcoming my experience as if I always somehow made sense, and this was new and refreshing to me. So much gratitude."

« We all benefitted so much from it during our fantastic year spent together. You brought me joy and motivation this year because you were always so ready to lead us into exploring further. »

« Je suis ravi et enchantée de savoir que tu vas accompagner plein du monde. Célébration de l’optimisme, de l’enthousiasme, ça vient réveiller mon élan de la beauté de la vie, la beauté en moi, de t’entendre m’encourager. Ça vient nourrir beaucoup de confiance, d’espoir, émerveillement – qqchose proche de ça – « Oui, ça se peut ! »